Prince William is getting married... but Australia is not getting hitched to the pork barrel buffet known as the FIFA World Cup;
Victoria has a new government by bucking the trend of being well hung... while the Federal government hangs the new paradigm out to dry to the tune of $50 billion dollars and counting (surely the most expensive doodle on a coaster in Australian aviation history aka the National Broadband Network);
North Korea is menacing the south... while Sarah Palin continues to menace the English language, commonsense and possibly bears;
Americans are up in arms about arms being up places they shouldn't be at airport check-ins... while Qantas just hopes bits don't fall off the damn plane.
In other words, a fair bit has happened! Except for blogging... (insert: shameful expression).
On the personal front, this being made redundant lark agrees with me! I can now keep hours more suited to a writer, namely never having to get up before 9am. I have, however, become quite the denizen of cafes and pubs, a kind of surreal limbo that I imagine equates to Hell's waiting room. Not that the mindless babble of my fellow patrons isn't interes-- oh, who am I kidding? There are times I have been tempted to drive a fork into my skull... but they tell me you must suffer for your art.
The rewrite for The Red Bride is going well... though a little different to my usual practice. I always write chronologically but this time, to move forward, the Third Act had to work much more coherently. I'm finally clear on the mechanics of the climax and the rewritten version plays far better. Next was a rethink of the set-up in the First Act given where we now end up and that's taking shape nicely. Which leaves the treacherous wastelands of the Second Act to navigate. A place where some screenwriters wander off track only to die a slow painful dea-- okay, enough with the melodrama!
Meanwhile, an older script has been dusted off and found favour with a director I've recently met courtesy of some 'match-making' by the local funding agency. A development round looms and while I don't have time to do a rewrite, detailed notes on the direction of the next draft are being prepared. Options and deals are being discussed so this one's back on the front burner.
Throw in some de facto script editing on a short and a feature I have high hopes for and it's been a pretty busy time.
Hence the reason for my tardiness in blogging. Though I note I am much better than one of my producers (who shall remain nameless), the one who always kills off my female supporting characters! But that's another story...
Well done mate! Now you can take that well deserved rest through the festive season break.
ReplyDeleteSorry for all the, 'Is it ready?' comments. It's a running joke between Jocelyn and myself. You see, I'm normally on the end of that question and for once I found it flinging in another direction. I know what it's like to be in your shoes!
Again, well done mate.
Thank you Wayne. It's good to hear you can relate to my 'suffering'... but really, it's what we signed up for, no? :-)