Thursday, August 30, 2012

Shout outs and Gratuitous Plugs, Part 1

In The West Wing episode A Proportional Response, Josh Lyman facetiously asks:

What's the good of being in power if you're not gonna haul your enemies in for questioning?

Well, what's the point of having a blog if you can't gratuitously plug the work of colleagues and friends? 

So here, now, some links to things that I follow on the interwebs...

Screenwriter Robert Lee

now in the UK, has committed to writing a two page script every week. You can check out the results here. I admire his discipline (and the self imposed restrictions) as I know he is working on several other projects. Besides, I like the raison d'etre: [A friend] challenged me to write a script a week to hopefully improve my writing. The only rule is that the script cannot exceed two pages, not even a little bit (that doesn’t include the title page). 

The team that brought you Soulfish

the trailer is working hard on bringing you Soulfish, the Web Series. They are currently asking for "funny relationship stories and moments" on their facebook page. The series is pitched at the 16-25 year old age group. So if you have a story you would like to share head on over and see if they can turn your mishaps into digital gold! 

The local podcast,

The (Pod) Casting Couch is one of my favourite film review listens as four Perth-based reviewers with quite different tastes dissect the latest movie releases. They also have interesting Top 4 lists (3 Best and 1 Worst) in a variety of categories. If you're bold you might also offer a "Question Without Notice"! You can follow them on Twitter here. **Update 3/9/12 - they now have a new and improved facebook page!** 

While we're talking film reviews,

one of the members of the above podcast, Shannon Harvey, has established a website that aggregates critics' scores kind of like in an Australian version of Rotten Tomatoes. Called ChocBomb you can find the website here and there is also a facebook page

Friend and writer, Anna Bennetts,

has announced that her one act plays, The Same Paige and Janey Does Stand-Up, last seen at the hugely successful Fringe Festival, will be performed as part of the Fremantle Festival in late October, early November. Go to the facebook page here for further details.

Speaking of performances,

followers of this blog would know that not only have I been to quite a few plays recently but also a couple of musicals (reviews here and here). Well, there are a couple coming up that look quite enticing involving people from those previous productions:

Firstly, Avenue Q (which I loved when I saw it at the Regal Theatre a few years ago) is being performed by Roleystone Theatre from 16 November to 1 December, facebook event page here.

The other is Hairspray, which is on at the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre, four shows only (including one matinee) between 16-18 November. Bookings can be made here.

Lastly, a big shout out to,  

local screenwriter, Ethan Marrell, who set up the monthly script group Reading, Writing & Beer. Thankfully, as a well known cider drinker, the beer is not mandatory. The idea is that every month a group of writers and film-makers come together to discuss an unproduced screenplay. To date we have dissected two Black List scripts (from different years) and the Frank Darabont adaptation of Fahrenheit 451. 

It is a fabulous idea and an evening I really enjoy as we talk about likes and dislikes in relation to the script and basically the craft of screenwriting. So kudos to Mister Marrell! 

There you have it. If you have an interesting project, production, website, podcast, hobby, confession, out of body experience or are simply in desperate need of attention AND you are known to me AND I have forgotten to mention you and/or it *deep breath* wrap me over the virtual knuckles and let me know. 

Always happy to highlight the achievements and work of friends, colleagues and film (related) professionals. 


** A late inclusion!

Production starts on the short film,

Teeth tomorrow, written and directed by Filmbites advanced film-maker Brandon Bonasera, produced by Josiah Saxby, with an excellent cast of Jessica Hegarty, Tahlia Norrish & Braye Dial. I had the opportunity to read the script, provide some notes and discuss the project in a brief one on one with Brandon so I have a 'rooting interest' as they say in the classics. A fun, jet black Vampire parody... and we all know how much I love vampires!

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