Friday, November 27, 2009
Update - Quick Hits
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Vault - "Circus! Circus!"
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Story So Far ...
When critics can't count
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Case Study - "Immortal"
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Putting business back into the Australian film industry
"Industry and government need to accept this is a business, not a culture fest.
"In the film industry government intervention has been consistently used to assist in the creation of product the market does not want, and the market tells us that, year in, year out, by rejecting it en masse.
"We don't listen and we don't want the government to notice."
He goes on to cite Mao's Last Dancer, which has grossed over $13 million dollars at the Australian box office, as an example of the sort of films we should be making instead of social realism dramas.
There's no doubt that the debate about "art versus commerce" is due to come to a head in this country. The raft of depressing, bleak, miserable social realist dramas that no-one goes to see yet are heavily subsidised by taxpayers money through screen funding agencies is choking the industry. Films like Australia, however, resonated with the local audience ($30+ million) but are derided by the film intelligentsia as crass commercialism.
The good news is that genre films should be able to re-assert themselves instead of the oblique art-house fare traditionally favoured by the screen agencies. A critical mass appears to be slowly building to reintroduce a key element in the film-making process - yes, the audience!
Friday, November 13, 2009
There's Something About Frank
Next PAC Script Lab - The Infidels
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Case Study - "In and Under"
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Another Show Reel scene ...
What is this Forgeworks of which you type?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Red Bride
In the seventh lunar month, it is said that the gates of Hell are opened and spirits and demons walk the earth, some to seek peace, others to pursue vengeance. For the living it is a time of doubt and fear where past wrongs are revisited and retribution is exacted on the guilty ...
The Red Bride: You can’t run from the Demons of your past
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Wisdom of Christopher McQuarrie
Compare & Contrast
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Kanowna (short film)
Where have all the real vampires gone?
A redneck bar in a redneck town in the deep south. We know this due to the proliferation of Confederate flags, checked shirts, thick necks and thicker PATRONS who eat fried chicken wings, mention ‘Noo Awlins' and ‘Katrina' every second sentence and listen to a juke box that has yet to discover the 60s let alone anything modern.
Welcome to Mauvais Choix, Louisiana, population 1,023 ... of the living variety. Yep, this is Vampire territory ... and where the Undead congregate you will always find ...
... dewy-eyed, female teenagers, specifically JOSIE-MAY WHEELER, all of 17 who sits with her two friends whose names are of no consequence. One wears a tight top that says "Bite Me", the other sports healed puncture marks on her neck. They titter and blush as teenagers do in the presence of ...
... CEDRIC MAYWEATHER, age 184, and simply the most exquisite looking Vampire the good lord put on this earth. Even a casual glance towards their booth sends the teenagers all a twitter.
Girl of no consequence #1: Go on Josie-May, go talk to him.
Josie-May: I don't know, he looks kind of ... pasty. How old you reckon he is?
Girl of no consequence #2: Girlfriend, who cares, you need a date for the prom.
Josie-May: You go ask him then.
Girl of no consequence #2: I already got me a bloodsucker, a right nasty one too.
Josie-May: I thought you were going out with Billy-Bob Boyd?
Girl of no consequence #1: Josie-May, if you ain't doing it with a vamp, you ain't doing it at all.
Fearful of being socially ostracised Josie-May gathers up her courage and approaches Cedric.
Josie-May: I don't mean to disturb you or nothing but -
Cedric: Have a seat.
Josie-May: You mind if I ask you something?
Cedric: You want to see my fangs, that it?
Josie-May: No, god no ... I was wondering if, like, do you, I mean, this is so embarrassing ... but can you ... with a woman?
Cedric: Yes I can.
Josie-May: Really? I've heard stories and all but -
SNAP. Josie-May's head dangles from her neck. Cedric twists it further until blood GUSHES from the carotid artery. He leans forward to feed ravenously, blood-drenched FANGS prominent.
Josie-May's friends look on in horror.
Cedric: Want to double-date?
CLICK as a shotgun round goes into the chamber. Cedric turns to see the bar owner, THADDEUS, who points the weapon at the vampire's chest.
Thaddeus: Goddamn it Cedric, not while I'm serving ma fried wings.
Cedric: Give me a break Thaddeus, it's prom week.
Thaddeus: I'm gonna to have to axe you to leave.
Cedric: Perhaps you young ladies would care to accompany me?
The girls of no consequence SCREAM and hightail it out of there.
Cedric: Guess not. Mind if I take a doggy bag?
Thaddeus nods. Cedric grabs the lifeless Josie-May by the arm and drags her towards the exit ...
* yes, I know the dialogue isn't in the correct script format ...